This brings back so many memories and i must say youve come a long way since youve started. Add a kick ass bass line to this and it would be epic. guitar would be best. deep and dark sount to offset major brightness in this song. bass line doesnt have to be complicated... just somthing powerful to support it a little. hell it could even be a pad being held at a chord or even just a single note changing with the music. maybe even layer of pad and choi... Just put a bass part in there and boost drums. Im a bass guy and so is a large percentage of people out there.
i like it but make a v3 and id love to see how it comes out. You have much more potential then i do with this. i would love to have your talent... but my songs are too damn repetitive... with the exeption of my cannon remix 2 one but...
if you get a chance check out some of my stuff and give me adviceim always assimilating new ideas into my own music and need the feedback. music is my passion and calling...
O well... happy new years
have fun in 2008
i look forward to next releases.